Molto liberamente ispirato a:
- CHARLES KINGSLEY, “The Water-Babies: A Fairy Tales for a Land-Baby”, Londra, 1863;
- C.S. LEWIS, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, Londra, 1950; “Prince Caspian”, Londra, 1951; “The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader'”, Londra, 1952; “The Silver Chair”, Londra, 1953; “The Horse and his Boy”, Londra, 1954; “The Magician's Nephew”, Londra, 1955; “The Last Battle”, Londra, 1956;
- JAMES BRANCH CABELL, “Jurgen. A Comedy of Justice”, New York, 1919;
- ANONIMO, “Voyage au centre de la terre, ou aventures de quelques naufragés dans des pays inconnus...”, Parigi, 1821;
- SAMUEL TENENBAUM, “The Wise Men of Chelm”, New York, 1965;
- EDITH NESBIT, “Uncle James”, Londra, 1899;
- EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS, “The Land That Time Forgot”, New York, 1918; “Out of Time's Abyss”, New York, 1918;
- PAUL HULSHOF e ROBERT VINCENT SCHIPPER, “Glazewijn en het schaakschandaal”, Amsterdam , 1973;
- DER NISTER (PINHAS KAHANOVIČ ), “Gedakht”, Berlino, 1922;
- CARL SANDBURG, “Rootabaga Stories”, New York, 1922;
- ANONIMO, “Resoconti geografici”, Tai-Ping, 981.
e soprattutto a:
GIANNI GUADALUPI E ALBERTO MANGUEL, “Manuale dei Luoghi Fantastici”, Rizzoli, Milano, 1982.
Musiche di:
- DJ Rkod, “Not Everyone will survive”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion;
- Marcos Oliva, “Second Movement”, Atlante Symphony;
- Tryad, “My Placid Island”, Public Domain;
- Goodspeed you Black Emperor!, “World Police”, L' Olympic;
- Goodspeed you Black Emperor!, “DeadMetheny”, L' Olympic;
- Marcos Oliva, “First Movement”, Atlante Symphony;
- John Holowach, “The Big Finale”, A Basement Of Broken Dreams.
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