Molto liberamente ispirato a:
- DANTE GABRIELE ROSSETTI, “Sudden Light”, in “Poems”, Londra, 1870; C.S. LEWIS, “The Magician's Nephew”, Londra, 1955;
- ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, “The Little Land”, in “A Child's Garden of Verses”, Londra, 1885;
- JULES SUPERVIELLE, “L'Enfant de la haute mer”, Parigi, 1931;
- ELSPETH ANN MACEY, “Awayday”, in “Absent Friends and Other Stories”, Londra, 1955;
- KARL RALSTON, “Buyanka”, in “The songs of the Russian people”, Edimburgo, 1932;
- SUÁREZ MIRANDA, “Viajes de varones prudentes”, Lérida, 1658, in JORGE LUIS BORGES e ADOLFO BIOY CASARES,
“Cuentos breves y extraordinarios”, Buenos Aires, 1973; - EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS, “At the Earth's Core”, New York, 1922; “Pellucidar”, New York, 1923; “Tanar of Pellucidar”, New York, 1930; “Savage Pellucidar”, New York, 1963;
- CLIVE BARKER, “Apocalypse (The Great and Secret Show)”, Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, Milano, 1990;
FRANÇOIS RABELAIS, “Le cinquiesme et dernier livre des faicts et dicts du bon Pantagruel, auquel est contenu la visitation de l'Oracle...”, Parigi, 1564; - LIA WAINSTEIN, “Viaggio in Drimonia”, Milano, 1965;
- JAQUES PRÉVERT, “Lettres des îles Baladar”, Parigi, 1952;
- LEWIS CARROLL, “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There”, Londra, 1871.
e soprattutto a:
GIANNI GUADALUPI E ALBERTO MANGUEL, “Manuale dei Luoghi Fantastici”, Rizzoli, Milano, 1982.
Musiche di:
- DJ Rkod, “Not Everyone will survive”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion;
- Tryad, “The Rising”, Public Domain;
- Tryad, “Sampling Memory” + “Seduction”, Public Domain;
- Marcos Oliva, “First Movement”, Atlante Symphony;
- John Holowach, “The Big Finale”, A Basement Of Broken Dreams;
- DJ Rkod, “Not Everyone will survive”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion.
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