Molto liberamente ispirato a:

  1. EDGAR ALLAN POE, “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket”, New York, 1838; DOMINIQUE ANDRÉ, “Conquête de l'Èternel”, Parigi, 1947;
  2. GEORGE MACDONALD, “At the Back of the North Wind”, Londra, 1870;
  3. BRUNO SCHULZ, “Sanatorium pod Klepsydra”, Varsavia, 1937;
  4. HECTOR BERLIOZ, “Euphonia, ou la Ville musicale”, in “Revue et gazette musicale de Paris”, Parigi, 1844;
  5. ALEXANDER MOSZKOWSKI, “Die Inseln der Weisheit, Geschichte einer abenteuerlichen Entdeckungsfahrt”, Berlino, 1922;
  6. SAMUEL BUTLER, “Erewhon”, Londra, 1872; “Erewhon Revisited”, Londra, 1901;
  7. FANNY DE BEAUHARNAIS, “Isle de la Félicité, ou Anaxis et Théone”, Parigi, 1801;
  8. NORTON JUSTER, “The Phantom Tollbooth”, Londra, 1962;
  9. CARL SANDBURG, “Rootabaga Stories”, New York, 1922;
  10. MARCO DENEVI, “La niña rosa”, in “Falsificaciones”, Buenos Aires, 1966.

e soprattutto a:

GIANNI GUADALUPI E ALBERTO MANGUEL, “Manuale dei Luoghi Fantastici”, Rizzoli, Milano, 1982.


Musiche di:

  1. DJ Rkod, “Not Everyone will survive”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion;
  2. DJ Rkod, “Safe Journey Home”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion;
  3. Scrap Heap, “Fish swim lethargically...”, An endless series of Hobglobins. All of them Imaginary;
  4. Scrap Heap, “Descent”, An endless series of Hobglobins. All of them Imaginary;
  5. Scrap Heap, “Tread” , Fixture;
  6. Pslaters, “Brux in a Box”, u s vs us files;
  7. Marcos Oliva, “First Movement”, Atlante Symphony;
  8. John Holowach, “The Big Finale”, A Basement Of Broken Dreams.


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