Molto liberamente ispirato a:
- ERNST THEODOR AMADEUS HOFFMANN, “Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober”, Berlino, 1819;
- FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE-FÉNELON, “Suite du Quatrième Livre de l'Odyssée d'Homère, ou les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse”, Parigi, 1717;
- CHARLES FOURIER, “Théorie des Quatre Mouvements”, Parigi, 1808; “Le Nouveau Monde Industriel et Sociétaire”, Parigi, 1829; “Le Nouveau Monde Amoureux”, Parigi, 1967;
- GRANT ALLEN, “The Child of the Phalanstery”, in “Twelve Tales”, Londra, 1899;
- JONATHAN SWIFT, “Travels Into Several Remote Nations Of The World...”, Londra, 1726;
- SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE, “When the World Screamed”, Londra, 1892;
- JULES VERNE, “Une Fantaisie du Doctor Ox”, Parigi, 1874;
- FRANCESCO BACONE, “New Atlantis”, Londra, 1627; HERBERT LOUIS SAMUEL, “An Unknown Land”, Londra, 1942;
- THOMAS LOVE PEACOCK, “Crotchet Castle”, Londra, 1831;
- JEAN-GASPARD DUBOIS-FONTANELLE, “Aventures Philosophiques”, Parigi, 1766;
- GODFREY SWEVEN, “Riallaro, the Airchipelago of Exiles”, New York e Londra, 1901; “Limanora, the Island Of Progress”, New York e Londra, 1903.
e soprattutto a:
GIANNI GUADALUPI E ALBERTO MANGUEL, “Manuale dei Luoghi Fantastici”, Rizzoli, Milano, 1982.
Musiche di:
- DJ Rkod, “Not Everyone will survive”, Sunset Bleeds Distortion;
- Various Artists, “Dark Nux, Essence of a song abolished”, Repeat A Bit Remix;
- Various Artists, “Scrap Heap Repeat a Bit, Oceanic”, Repeat A Bit Remix;
- Various Artists, “Mtails Repeat a Bit”, Repeat A Bit Remix;
- Scrap Heap, “Oil Spill”, Decent;
- Scrap Heap , “Crush them”, Fixture;
- Marcos Oliva, “First Movement”, Atlante Symphony;
- John Holowach, “The Big Finale”, A Basement Of Broken Dreams.
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